


The Catholic University of Korea

Institutional Clubs

Introducing "Student Innovation Supporters,"
an Institutional Club under the CUK Innovation Institute

Innovate with Student Innovation Supporters!

The Student Innovation Supporters is an institutional club under the CUK Innovation Institute at The Catholic University of Korea. The club is dedicated to achieving the innovation goal of "Design yourself as a Professional DESIGNER!" by gathering student-led feedback, planning university innovations, and promoting and managing innovation programs.

Operating Student-Led Educational Innovation Conferences

The club organizes conferences where students participate in discussions on educational innovation strategies. Through these conferences, the club collects student feedback on innovation needs and strives to incorporate them into the university's innovation strategies.

Publishing Newsletters to Spread Accomplishments

The club plans and produces newsletters that deliver news of CUK's innovations to both internal and external members. These newsletters can be viewed on CUK Talk and the CUK Innovation Institute website.

Creating Videos to Spread Accomplishments

The club creates YouTube Shorts to promote CUK's innovations. Additionally, they produce and promote videos covering various educational innovations happening on campus, contributing to the dissemination of these achievements both internally and externally.