


The Catholic University of Korea

Academic Change


  • Individuals who have been dismissed, withdrawn, or otherwise meet the dismissal criteria according to university regulations and have been dismissed for at least one year
  • Re-admission is permitted up to two times

Selection Schedule

Announced on the university website at the beginning of each semester (early June, early December)

Selection Criteria

  • If the number of re-admission applicants exceeds the available spots, selection will be based on the following criteria, considering completed semesters and GPA :
    • (1) Those who have completed more semesters
    • (2) Those who achieved a higher GPA if they have the same number of completed semesters
    • (3) Those who are older in age
  • Applicants are assessed in two groups: those who have been dismissed or withdrawn for one to five years and those for more than five years, with priority given to the one to five years group
  • Unfilled positions due to non-registration by selected applicants will be filled by the next eligible candidate within the same department or major
  • If there have been changes in university regulations, department mergers, or adjustments, re-admission will be granted into the revised department, major, or faculty