


The Catholic University of Korea

Institutional Clubs

Introducing "Startist,"
an Institutional Club
under the Career Support Team

An Institutional Club of the Career Support Team, "Startist"

Established in 2020, Startist has completed six rounds of activities and is now preparing to welcome its seventh group of members in 2023.
Startist is organized into two teams: the Promotion Team and the Video Team.
The Promotion Team actively promotes entrepreneurship education programs and other startup support systems provided by the Career Support Team. They use social media platforms, posters, and other channels to reach more students.
The Video Team creates videos showcasing the activities and information related to entrepreneurship education programs, making them more engaging and accessible to students who are interested in startups.

Promoting Entrepreneurship Education Programs

The club promotes entrepreneurship education programs offered by the Career Support Team through posters, Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms. They also create reviews and content to highlight the benefits of these programs.

Mock Startup Activities

To experience a mock startup from start to finish, club members each choose a startup idea and go through the entire process of selecting an idea, conducting market research, and creating a prototype.

Store Operation

Members get hands-on experience by selling the products they create through mock startup activities at campus festival booths and an on-campus offline store, allowing them to generate revenue.