


The Catholic University of Korea


International Volunteer Group

The Catholic University of Korea's International Volunteer Group practices the university's educational philosophy of "Truth, Love, and Service" by promoting the globalization of sharing. Students participating in the volunteer program bring their youth and passion to practice sharing and caring, helping them understand the value of service. Through these experiences, they grow into global leaders with servant leadership. Since 1997, every summer, the university has sent volunteer groups composed of professors, staff, and students to Third World countries such as Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Cambodia, and Laos.

Caritas Volunteer Corps

With the slogan "Let's go! To the lowest places!" The Catholic University of Korea's Caritas Volunteer Corps has been actively involved in various community service activities since its founding in November 2015. The Caritas Volunteer Corps, composed of students and faculty, began by volunteering at nearby nursing homes and has since expanded to deliver lunch boxes to elderly people living alone, support youth with their studies, and distribute coal briquettes, among other efforts to contribute to the development of the local community.

Love Sharing (Required General Education Elective Course)

The "Center for Volunteer Development" under the Catholic College operates the "Love Sharing" social service course to help students recover and realize a sense of self-fulfillment and community spirit through volunteer work. The "Love Sharing" course, which became a required basic liberal arts course for students entering in the 2012 academic year, was first offered in the second semester of 2013. It is a 2-credit course composed of 5 hours of theoretical education and 36 hours of volunteer work, totaling 41 hours.

Love Sharing+

The "Love Sharing+" course, which began in 1996, forms the foundation of character education based on the university's educational philosophy of "Truth, Love, and Service." "Share the Love+" is a 1-credit social service course available to all students, which can be taken during the semester or over breaks. Through 30 hours or more of volunteer work, students can internalize the spirit of service and achieve a true sense of self-realization.