


The Catholic University of Korea


The symbols of The Catholic University of Korea, including the school tree, animal, and flower, represent our academic values and mission. They embody the spirit and goals of our university, emphasizing the transmission and understanding of knowledge, mutual solidarity and understanding, and ethical responsibility. Through these symbols, we support our academic capabilities and educational values, striving for endless growth and development.

Three Symbolic Elements

Pine Tree

Symbolic Tree
The pine trees, prevalent throughout the Korean peninsula, are evergreen and display a noble yet resilient character, long praised as symbols of a scholar's integrity and moral uprightness. Their strength in enduring harsh weather, including severe winter conditions, symbolizes longevity, and they have been used as construction materials for royal palaces, temples, and noble families' homes. The pine tree, as the symbolic tree of The Catholic University of Korea, reflects the university's long history of pursuing universal truth, firm integrity, dignity, and strong resilience, symbolizing hope and unchanging perpetuity.
Representative Tree of Korea / NobilityEvergreen / Integrity / FidelityStrong Vitality


Symbolic Animal
The dove, dedicated to the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, is admired for its gentle and graceful appearance. For Jews, its lovely and affectionate nature made it a symbol of a beloved partner (Song of Songs 2:14). In Christianity, it represents the Holy Spirit, symbolizing God's love and power (Mark 1:10).
When the newly created world became filled with all kinds of sins due to human selfishness and greed, all but Noah's family were destroyed by the flood. As the new world began to unfold, Noah, the father of new humanity, first sent out a raven, but it just flew away. Then he sent out a dove, which faithfully brought back a green olive leaf, signaling the receding waters and the beginning of a new world (Genesis 8:8). Hence, humanity has always regarded the dove as a symbol of unity, peace, and good news. It represents the diligence, practice of love, service of unity and peace, and reformist spirit of The Catholic University of Korea community.
Symbol of Peace / New World after Noah's FloodSymbol of the Holy Spirit Displaying God's Power (Mark 1:10)Symbol of a Beloved Partner (Song of Songs 2:14, 5:2)Affection / Love (Dedicated to the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite)DiligenceInnocence like Doves (Matthew 10:16)


Symbolic Flower
Lilies have long been admired for their beauty and innocence, symbolizing renewal and hope. Representing innocence and the renewal of life, lilies have been used in traditional ceremonies and as offerings in temples and homes. Their delicate yet resilient nature allows them to thrive in various environments, from gardens to wild landscapes, standing as a testament to their enduring grace and strength. These flowers symbolize purity and rebirth, reflecting the long history of The Catholic University of Korea, which embody the pursuit of knowledge, the nurturing of moral values, and the commitment to growth and renewal. Lilies represent the ideals of truth, steadfastness, and the continuous quest for excellence that define the spirit of these institutions.
Graceful and Noble Figure / Balminess / Purity, Symbol of the Virgin Mary"Behold the lilies of the field..."Splendor and Abundance (Hosea 14:6-7)