


The Catholic University of Korea

Student Government

The Student Council is composed of students enrolled at The Catholic University of Korea and is organized to facilitate student self-governance. It consists of the General Student Council, the Club Union, and the executive branches of each college's student council. The General Student Council is led by the President and Vice President, who are directly elected by the students and oversees the operations of various executive departments, including the Planning Department, Administrative Department, Welfare Department, Policy Department, Solidarity Business Department, and Public Relations Department. The Central Operating Committee, which includes the General Student Council President and Vice President, the Club Union President, and each college's student council president, is the highest decision-making body for enrolled students.

Organizational Structure

General Student Council of The Catholic University of Korea
Members of the General Student Council
  • Decision-Making Body
    • General Student Assembly
    • General Student Referendum
    • General Student Representative Conference
    • Expanded Operations Meeting
    • Central Operating Committee
  • Executive Body
    • General Student Council President and Vice President
    • General Student Council Central Executive Committee
  • Special Committees
    • Subordinate to the
      General Student Council
      • Subordinate to the General Student Council
      • Editorial Committee
      • Fraternities and Sororities
      • Library Autonomy Committee
    • Subordinate to the
      Central Executive Committee
      • Handover Committee
      • International Student Committee
  • Subdivisions
    • College Student Councils
    • Undergraduate/ Department/ Major Student Councils
    • General Club Union
  • Audit Body
    • Special Committee for Budget and Accounts

General Student Council

The General Student Council is a student self-governing body that organizes various events for students and addresses issues in school life by gathering and resolving opinions from all students. The General Student Council is elected through a campus-wide vote and represents the entire student body, as well as individual college and department student councils. It is responsible for addressing students' concerns and inconveniences in school life and managing essential issues involving the university administration and external student affairs.

General Club Union

The General Club Union was established to promote a diverse university culture through the autonomous and democratic self-governance of club members. It facilitates cooperation and understanding among members and handles various issues related to student activities. The Union is responsible for the administrative duties of clubs in each division, planning events, and reviewing new club applications.