


The Catholic University of Korea


  • Founding Philosophy

    University of Respect for Human Dignity, CUK

    Since 1855, The Catholic University of Korea has been practicing the founding philosophy of respecting human dignity.
  • Educational Philosophy

    Truth, Love, and Service based on the Catholic Spirit

    • TRUTH

    • LOVE


  • Educational Purpose


    Cultivating Professionals Who Respect Human Dignity

    • Pursue the universality of truth
    • Promote education that respects human life
    • Encourage interdisciplinary approaches between fields of studies

    Contributing to the advancement of national culture by developing balanced members of society

    • Cultivate the ability to harmoniously integrate reason, faith, and reality
    • Foster autonomy to realize the common good
    • Develop perseverance to pioneer the future with a positive and hopeful historical perspective

    Nurturing global citizens who contribute to the development and peace of human society

    • Critically assess and systematically enhance various cultures
    • Increase capacity to serve peace and justice globally
    • Educate to protect nature and the environment

CUK Core Competency

Ideal Talent of the Catholic University of Korea

Ethical leaders with "character" and "creativity"

  • Character Competency

    • Self-Assessment Competency


      Career Development

    • Community Competency


      Global Citizenship

  • Creativity Competency

    • Problem-Solving Competency

      Problem Recognition

      Experts in Action

    • Innovation Competency

      Creative Thinking

      Knowledge Integration

Definition of the CUK Core Competencies

Competency Axis Core Competency Explanation
Character Competency Self-Assessment
  • Self-Discovery
    • Ability to reflect on oneself and society with a critical attitude
  • Career Development
    • Ability to integrate the necessary skills for choosing and achieving future career goals, and readiness to accomplish career objectives
Community Competency
  • Outreach
    • Ability to understand and practice the values of caring for, respecting, and considering others
  • Global Citizenship
    • Ability to see and understand the world from diverse perspectives and communicate across linguistic and cultural barriers
Creativity Competency Problem-Solving Competency
  • Problem Recognition
    • Ability to identify key points in a problem situation, effectively seek solutions, and evaluate and manage progress.
  • Experts in Action
    • Ability to exhibit meta-level cognitive and social attitudes required for task completion and problem-solving at an expert level
Innovation Competency
  • Creative Thinking
    • Ability to generate new and diverse ideas and develop alternatives
  • Knowledge Integration
    • Ability to think from an integrative perspective across various academic fields to create new values