


The Catholic University of Korea



Guidelines for Using the On-Campus Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

  • Writer :관리자
  • Date :2024.05.20
  • Views :102

Guidelines for Using the On-Campus Electric Vehicle Charging Stations


  The installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on campus has been completed, and they are available for use starting today.

   A. Location: EV charging area in front of the College of Pharmacy

   B. Number of Stations: 16


   C. Important Guidelines

    1) Fines for Violations

     · Parking non-electric vehicles in the EV charging area or designated parking spaces: 100,000 won

     · Using charging facilities for purposes other than charging eco-friendly vehicles: 100,000 won

     · Acts that obstruct EV charging: 100,000 won

       - Parking, placing objects in the charging station area or access roads, and more

       - Parking in a rapid charging area for more than 1 hour and in a slow charging area for more than 14 hours

     · Intentionally damaging charging facilities, boundary lines, and signage: 200,000 won

   D. For inquiries, please contact the Construction Team at 02-2164-4897.


 We appreciate the interest and understanding from all university community members regarding the construction delays. Now that the construction is complete, the stations are fully operational. Thank you.

Office of General Affairs