


The Catholic University of Korea

International Exchange Support

The exchange student programs are divided into three categories: mutual exchange program, visiting student (self-funded) program, and SAF program. Students are selected at the beginning of the semester prior to their departure. For instance, students selected in the first semester will be dispatched in the second semester, and those selected in the second semester will be dispatched in the first semester of the following academic year.

Exchange Student Program

  • Mutual Exchange

  • Visiting Student (Self-funded)

  • SAF

Mutual Exchange Student Program

This program offers students the opportunity to study for one year or one semester at an overseas partner university with which our university has a student exchange agreement. During the exchange period, students must maintain their enrollment status at our university, and the credits earned at the partner university can be transferred to our university (up to 19 credits per semester, 38 credits for an entire year). In the mutual exchange program, students pay tuition only to our university, while the partner university's tuition is waived, allowing students to study abroad at a relatively lower cost. However, dormitory fees, living expenses, insurance, and other costs are borne by the student according to the partner university's standards.

Visitng Student (Self-funded) Program

This program also offers students the opportunity to study for one year or one semester at an overseas partner university with which our university has a student exchange agreement. During the exchange period, students must maintain their enrollment status at our university, and the credits earned at the partner university can be transferred to our university (up to 19 credits per semester, 38 credits for an entire year). The key difference from the mutual exchange program is that students must pay tuition to both our university and the partner university. The visiting student (self-funded) program typically has fewer restrictions on the number of participants, making it less competitive compared to the mutual exchange program.

SAF Program

Using the SAF (Study Abroad Foundation) network, this program allows students to study for one year or one semester at prestigious overseas universities with which our university does not have a direct student exchange agreement. This is done as a self-funded study abroad program, where students pay tuition to both our university and the host university during the study period. During the exchange period, students must maintain their enrollment status at our university, and the credits earned at the host university can be transferred to our university (up to 19 credits per semester, 38 credits for an entire year).