


The Catholic University of Korea

Institutional Clubs

Introducing "CUBIG,"
an Institutional Club
under the Office of International Affairs

Bridge between Korean and International Students, "CUBIG"

CUBIG stands for "Catholic University of Korea Buddy In the Globe" and is an institutional club affiliated with the Office of International Affairs that serves as a bridge between international and Korean students at the Catholic University of Korea. CUBIG is organized into three departments: Planning, General Affairs, and Public Relations. As a central part of the international exchange network, CUBIG plays a vital role in helping international students adjust to university life and Korea while organizing and managing events like the Buddy Program and the Exchange Fair.
Through interaction and collaboration between Korean and international students, CUBIG fosters cultural understanding and helps students develop a global mindset and experience.

Planning and Managing the Buddy Program

CUBIG is responsible for matching participants, organizing orientations, and overseeing activities for the Buddy Program, which connects Korean and international students.

Promoting International Exchange Programs

The club promotes events organized by the Office of International Affairs through social media channels.

Interviewing Participants of International Exchange Programs

CUBIG conducts interviews with participants of various international exchange programs and shares practical information with CUK students through social media channels.

Conducting Campus Tours

Each semester, CUBIG provides campus tours in English, Japanese, and Chinese for international students, offering them an introduction to the university and essential information for campus life.

Assisting with Various International Exchange Events

CUBIG assists with a variety of events organized by the Office of International Affairs, such as the Exchange Fair, Cultural Experiences, Cultural Exploration, and Exchange Student Orientations, ensuring these events operate smoothly.